Adult Sunday School Classes


Living In Faith

Room 111

Facilitators: Darren Aghabeg, Yvonne Chapman, Jana Manning

A Bible study and lively discussion class for adults of all ages. We use the Bible as our main textbook and the various facilitators supplement Scripture with other resources - writings of church fathers, theologians, church history and creeds. Our topics have included verse by verse studies of specifics books of the Bible, topical studies, person or character studies, and on occasion a modern non-fiction book.

“I AM”   

“I am . . .”   

“. . . I am?”

When Moses met God on the mountain within a burning bush, he asked,  “Who shall I say sent me?”  and God answered, “ I AM.” ( paraphrase)   Two little words with enormous meaning & impact both for our understanding of God and later our understanding of Jesus (God the Son).   We will start our study here in Exodus and then look closely at the 7+ “I AM “ statements of Jesus in the Gospel according to John.  Our final lesson will turn the statement into a question asked of us – Jesus followers.  “Who do you say that I am?”  Join us for coffee, fellowship and bible study in the double classroom beginning March 16th.



Exploring Faith

Room 112

Facilitator: Richard Taylor

Exploring Faith studies Christian-based movies and video series covering a variety of topics relatable to our faith and our everyday lives.



Advancing in Faith

Room 117

Facilitators: Paul Lawler, Dawn Murray, Gary Yenser

Advancing in Faith is a wide-open discussion style class.

The fall topic is “He Still Moves Stones” by Max Lucado. Class begins around 9:45am and dismisses promptly at 10:30am. Join us for coffee, fellowship and discussion.



Young Adult Class

Bridal Room

Facilitator: John Campbell

This class will be studying the book “Unshakeable Hope” by Max Lucado, focusing on the promises made to believers from Scripture.


Children & YOUTH
Sunday School Classes


PreK 4 – 5th Grade

Room 107

Facilitator: Gloria Campbell

We follow the David C. Cook curriculum “Bible in Life” with Lessons, Bible verses, and hands-on activities to learn the foundations and stories of the Bible. Come join this fun group to learn more about God’s Word!



Middle school & HIgh School

Youth Room

Facilitator: Nate Smith

Calling all youth! Tired of sleeping in on Sunday mornings? Do you feel like you need a break from the activities you do all week but somehow find you are doing them again on Sunday? Well look no further! God has established a rest for people in His Church, particularly when we gather together for worship, fellowship, and instruction on Sundays.

In Youth Sunday School, we will study God’s Word, fellowship, eat donuts and drink coffee together from 9:30-10:15am every Sunday morning. So make a change that will change your life and join us in the youth room on Sunday mornings!




Room 109

Children’s Church is held during the worship services after the children’s message for ages 4yrs - 4th grade.




room 105

As always, the nursery is available to children under four years old.


Bible Studies

Men's Bible Study

With Pastor Greg Darden

Tuesday Mornings, 8am - Room 111

The Men’s Tuesday morning Bible Study meets from 8am-9am in the double classroom. If you have not participated in this Men’s Bible Study, all of the men in the church are invited to come and join this group for coffee and Bible Study on Tuesday mornings.

The Men’s Bible Study is currently studying the book of Daniel.

Women's Bible Study

With Pastor Greg Darden

Thursday Mornings, 10:30am - Room 111

The Women’s Thursday morning Bible Study meets at 10:30am in the double classroom. If you have not been a part of the Thursday morning study, now is a great time to join us!

The Women’s Bible Study is currently going through a study entitled “Biblical Topics of Importance but often Overlooked”.