COVID-19 Updates March 2020
March 31, 2020
Dear Faith Family,
I ask your prayers for the family of Pastor Tim Russell, Tim died last night from COVID-19. He was pastor of Middle-Adults at 2nd Presbyterian Church.
Tomorrow, Jeff Kempton will be posting a Wednesday Devotional on Facebook, Instagram, and our Website. Be watching for it.
Our church Session will have a virtual meeting this Thursday night as we deal with not being able to gather in April.
Mike Robinson did get moved into the Heritage. His telephone number is 901-482-6347.
Continue to read the Scriptures, being in prayer, and telephoning others.
God keep you all,
Pastor Greg
March 30, 2020
Hello Faith Family,
I hope most of you have been able to see the message from yesterday’s Facebook Live Service. If you missed it live, you can see it by going to my Facebook page or the church's website: Again, I appreciate your responses that my sermon on Perseverance was of help.
Today Mike Robinson moves into The Heritage retirement Community. When I get his contact information, I will share it with you.
Assistant Pastor Jeff Kempton will be hosting a message for us on Wednesday. Be watching for more details.
As you have probably guessed, we have members that are starting to be laid off from work. This will be a growing concern as the month of April arrives.
We all now know that the social distancing practice has been extended through April 30th. Which means we will not be having any worship or activities at the church. This is hard, especially with Holy Week beginning this Sunday and Easter the Sunday after. I am planning ways for us to observe the week. Be watching.
I hope to publish an up to date prayer list this week.
Finally, remember we are still at the beginning of this for our area. Practice good healthy habits. Stay safe.
Our Grandson Brody is celebrating his 3rd Birthday today with his mom and dad. No Birthday party this year. That’s what a lot of us are doing as we shelter in place.
God keep you all.
Pastor Greg
Here is some great COVID-19 information from Johns Hopkins University including a map of affected areas.
March 29, 2020
March 27, 2020
Dear Faith Family,
As I stay informed, it seems that many people are heeding the safer at home order, especially older adults, children, and those with underlying conditions. Still, as I came to my office this afternoon, the first time in a week, I saw a lot of outdoor work going on.
Practice common sense and healthy precautions in all you do. Do not grow weary in this fight, rest and measure yourself.
I remind our parents about the indoor camp out. Read Psalm 8, then tonight take your children out and show them the stars. Remind them that God has made all the universe, all those stars and them too.
In other news of the congregation:
Don Fisher is scheduled to be released from the Hospital this evening. Pray for the Fishers, for Don and for Archie who is having a difficult time dealing with having to stay home, and for Pat who is managing all of this.
Continue checking on friends and neighbors, family and fellow church members. The elders will be calling everyone again next week to check on you and see how you are.
The church has received a number of gifts and offerings this week in the mail and online. Thank you all for your faithfulness.
This Sunday's Sermon is entitled "Persevere" and is Based on Romans 5:1-8. It will air at 11 am on Sunday.
Congratulations to Natalie and Jon Fuschi on the birth yesterday of Samuel Jon Fuschi and to big brother Dylan and big sister, Evelyn. All are doing well. At birth Samuel weighed 8'15" and is 21" long.
Remember to be in Prayer for the People of our country and the world daily. Let us pray God will bring this plague to an end and deliver us from its affliction.
God Keep You All,
Pastor Greg
March 26, 2020
Dear Faith Family,
As you watch the news, you will see that New York, New Orleans, and Los Angelos are becoming centers of the pandemic. Pray earnestly for these cities, but also for the country and the world. The next couple of weeks will have many accounts of difficult news.
I also encourage you not to watch the news all the time. Spend time doing other things and activities you find enjoyable and helpful.
In news of the congregation:
The Fuschis are at the hospital. We expect news later today of their baby being born.
This Sunday, I will again hold a live streaming service on my Facebook page beginning at 11am. You will get a reminder.
As far as I know now Don Fisher remains in the hospital at Methodist Germantown.
God Keep you all,
Pastor Greg
March 25, 2020
Hello Faith Family,
I hope today’s update finds you well.
I admire what I hear from so many of you and how you are dealing with the stay in place order. Keep up the good work. Make yourself a schedule, as well as one for the children.
One idea for parents of younger children is to plan an indoor camp out for Friday Night. Read Psalm 8 to your children at your indoor camp out. If it is clear that night take your children out to see the stars. That will help them to understand the Psalm and that God made them.
In other matters:
Don Fisher is a patient at Methodist Germantown with complications from his cancer.
Chris Adams is at home, but is having terrible pain because of his cancer.
Mike Robinson remains in lockdown at the Christian Care Nursing Center. You can call him and encourage him at 901-969-4954.
All of our folks living in Senior Retirement facilities are on lockdown and can not have visitors.
The address for Marty Barber is
2510 Waterford Rd.
Auburn, AL 36832
If you would like to send her a card or note.
Let me know if you need help.
God bless you,
Pastor Greg
March 24, 2020
Pastor Jeff Kempton
Good Afternoon Faith Family
These strange times continue, and since we cannot be together in person, it is even more important that we continue to reach out and lift up. Please keep reaching out by checking in with each other by phone, email, letter or text. We have a wonderful church family who prays faithfully, so if you hear of anyone who is in need, please let us know so we can pray together.
I’d also like to echo what Pastor Greg said earlier this week: open your Bibles and get into the Word. Whether you’re reading three Psalms a day, a chapter of John or working your way through the New Testament or the Book of Genesis, spend some time in the Word and in prayer.
Set aside time to pray for our church family and our church leaders.
Pray for our city and county and state.
Pray for our nation’s leaders, for wisdom and health and peace. Pray for cooperation.
Pray for health care workers (nurses, doctors and other staff).
Pray for retail workers who stock the supplies we need.
Pray for mail carriers, for FedEx and UPS employees who deliver packages.
Pray for food workers.
Pray for small business owners who are trying to survive this extremely difficult time.
Pray for our fire, police and EMT first responders, and for dispatchers and all the other countless people who keep us safe.
Pray for our district attorneys and other lawyers, keeping the wheels of justice turning.
Pray for our military.
Pray for our teachers and school administrators working so hard to educate our children.
Pray for our city employees, MLGW and sanitation, all of whom keep us safe and clean with running water and electricity.
The list goes on and on. Many people give sacrificially so we can have some semblance of normalcy in this middle of this crisis. Please pray for them and thank them when you see them.
As for our church family, here are few specifics to be lifting up:
Frank Adams is recovering well from knee surgery last week, and is ahead of schedule
Chris Adams continues to battle cancer and is in need of relief from the pain
Julia and Hazel Lipsey are both recovering from illnesses this week, and are doing much better
Michelle Millican is adjusting to her new living situation, which is going well, but it’s difficult to be away from family and out of the standard routine of life during this time of challenge in our nation
Know that we are praying for you, and that you are loved by Jesus Christ and by your pastors, staff, elders and deacons.
Pastor Jeff Kempton
Dear Faith Family,
This Evening at 6 pm the safe sheltering requirements go into place. I ask you all to be mindful of this as we all work toward containment of the Covid-19 virus.
I want to express my profound appreciation to our members who have continued to make offerings and gifts to the church online or by sending checks to the church. It is making a difference in doing the following.
1. The staff can be paid.
2. Even though the church facility is on lockdown, it still generates expenses, those are being paid.
3. Our Missionaries are still being supported.
4. Our church family is being helped as needs arise.
The staff and the Elders have made every effort to cut expenses to the lowest level.
If you are able and can give, please do so online or by sending a check. If you can’t I understand.
Now, in other matters:
I ask your prayers of comfort for Marty Barber and her family on the death (yesterday) of her husband, Bill Barber. The Barbers are members of our congregation who moved to Opelika, AL a couple of years ago in retirement. Bill died some 10 days after being diagnosed with a rare and very aggressive form of lung cancer.
Charlotte and Glenn Rutherford are doing well. A service for Her mother, will be held later this year.
Continue to pray for Carole Connor, she came home from Methodist Olive Branch yesterday. She has blood clots in both lungs and her left leg. She is stable, but the hospital did not want her to stay because of the growing number of virus cases.
Remember Don Fisher who is at his oncologist today having a procedure done.
Continue to pray for Linda McKnight, Cheri McKnight’s mother, she is battling pneumonia.
Pray for all those in the medical fields who are on the front lines of this pandemic. Lift them up constantly, that they have strength, endurance, wisdom, and that God would guide and protect them as they treat those who are ill.
The Lord God is our shield and defender!
Pastor Greg
March 23, 2020
Dear Faith Family,
I hope you have been able to see the service I lived streamed on Facebook yesterday. It is now posted to my Facebook page, church Facebook page, church website, and YouTube.
Thank you to all who have responded to the service in such a positive way. I hope to make other post and live streams this week
This will be a hard week for everyone as the novelty of staying home wears itself out and the need to stay home begins its grind.
Persevere! The Good Lord is with us! Devote yourself to prayers for others.
Faith Family, please keep Gloria Campbell's family in your prayers. Her brother, his wife and his son flew out to the university of Pittsburgh Medical Center yesterday. Louis is going to have to have a liver transplant. They will be running tests for three days. His son is the donor and wife his caregiver. They will fly back in two weeks for the transplant.
Faith family, please keep in your prayers Carole Connor, Phillip and Jane's daughter. She is in Methodist Olive Branch with blood clots in one leg and both lungs.
Remember our sick. If you or anyone you know comes down with the virus, seek treatment and please let me know.
If you are in need of food or meds to be picked up, let us know. Call one another.
Our Strength comes from the Lord, and a mighty ally is the Lord!
God Bless You All,
Pastor Greg
March 22, 2020
March 21, 2020
Dear Faith Family,
It occurs to me that patience is a virtue we are all going to need to practice and to cultivate in these coming weeks.
Psalms 40:1 says:
I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
Such are the days we are living. Things are moving fast, but time for each of us is moving slowly. We need to pay attention to what we are and what we are not doing. Many people are finding it hard to do normal things at home and if they are working, there is a struggle to get things done. We are overwhelmed by the events and circumstances. We need to make ourselves aware of this and do something that we can see accomplished. I mean any little thing, just to see something done.
Let us continue to call and check upon each other.
I ask your prayers for Don, Archie and Pat Fisher. Don received hard news today from his oncologist. Be in prayer for them.
Bill Barber, a long time member and Elder of our congregation is in very serious condition in the medical Center in Birmingham with a rare and aggressive lung cancer.
Marj Strecker remains near death at the home of her daughter, Charlotte Rutherford.
If you are need, please let me know. Remember to check our website and Facebook page.
God Keep You All,
Pastor Greg
March 19, 2020
Dear Faith Family,
It occurs to me that patience is a virtue we are all going to need to practice and to cultivate in these coming weeks.
Psalms 40:1 says:
I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
Such are the days we are living. Things are moving fast, but time for each of us is moving slowly. We need to pay attention to what we are and what we are not doing. Many people are finding it hard to do normal things at home and if they are working, there is a struggle to get things done. We are overwhelmed by the events and circumstances. We need to make ourselves aware of this and do something that we can see accomplished. I mean any little thing, just to see something done.
Let us continue to call and check upon each other.
I ask your prayers for Don, Archie and Pat Fisher. Don received hard news today from his oncologist. Be in prayer for them.
Bill Barber, a long time member and Elder of our congregation is in very serious condition in the medical Center in Birmingham with a rare and aggressive lung cancer.
Marj Strecker remains near death at the home of her daughter, Charlotte Rutherford.
If you are need, please let me know. Remember to check our website and Facebook page.
God Keep You All,
Pastor Greg
March 18, 2020
Hello Faith Family,
Things are rapidly changing every day. I want to inform you all that there will be no services at church for the next two Sundays, March 22nd and March 29th.
This is the prudent action in light of the evolving circumstances of the Covid-19 virus.
There will be a short service that you can view on our web page and Facebook. More information on that tomorrow and Friday.
The Elders are contacting all of our members. They will be touching base as we battle through this national emergency.
Psalm 125 says: “Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken, but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore!”
God does protect us, even if we die, we have the promise of everlasting life. Trust in the LORD with all your heart during these days of trouble.
Remember to call your family, friends, neighbors, fellow church members, and others. Stay in touch. Encourage each other, pray for one another.
God Bless You All,
Pastor Greg
March 17, 2020
Hello Faith Family,
The Apostle Paul wrote these words of encouragement and thanks to the Philippian Christians:
10 I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Phil 4:10-13
These are important words to hear during this time of challenge in our world today.
The Elders have been telling me that they are getting in contact with you. It is an encouraging thing to know so many of you are taking the virus seriously and are batting down the hatches to use an old Navy term.
I ask that you remain in prayer for Charlotte and Glenn Rutherford, as Charlotte's mother Marge Strecker is in her final days here in this world.
Frank Adams had knee surgery today, keep him in your prayers.
Chris Adams is having his second immunotherapy treatment.
For those in nursing facilities, our seniors, and our folks who are having lost income do to no work.
If you are in need, call me on my cell at 901-849-2080.
Remember be reading the book of Psalms. Be in Prayer. Make a new schedule for yourself to follow.
Call and check on family and friends.
God Bless You All,
Pastor Greg
March 16, 2020
Dear Faith Family,
Who would have ever thought we would have to give up church for Lent?
Well that is where we are. So in light of the requirements that we are being asked to live with during this pandemic, I want to offer some ways to practice the Faith.
1.) Pray for our church, the greater church, our country and the world. Pray that God would grant scientist, medical researchers to develop a vaccine for the COVID-19.
2.) Call your family, your friends, your neighbors at least weekly.
3.) Keep a journal of your daily thoughts.
4.) See if there are needs you can take care of for others.
5.) Write cards to those in Nursing Facilities and Retirement Communities.
6.) Beginning Reading through the Book of Psalms. I recommend you read three Psalms a day. One in the morning, one at lunchtime, one before you go to bed.
6.) Do not watch the news all the time. Give it a break. Listen to your favorite music.
7.) Exercise at home, if weather permits go outside for a few minutes.
We will get through this. God is Lord of all things including the Covid-19 virus.
I will share more thoughts tomorrow.
God Keep You All,
Pastor Greg
Dear Faith Family,
At a called meeting of the Session last night (Sunday Night, March 15th) the Elders made several important decisions regarding our congregation concerning our own response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I wish to share with you those decisions.
All activities and group meetings have been suspended at Faith until March 30th. The Session will then evaluate the situation and the guidance and directives coming from health and governmental sources.
This means that there will be no Sunday School, no Bible Studies, no youth or children's activities, no Scouts, no Committee Meetings, no Choir practice, no Mission Projects during that time period.
We will determine on Friday, March 20th if we will have worship on Sunday, March 22nd, and will let the congregation know by email and calling post.
The Church office will be open and staffed by one or two people from 9 am - 1 PM Monday through Friday during this period.
The Elders will be calling all of our members once a week to check on them.
If you have a need, please call the church 901-754-4840 or my cell number at 901-849-2080.
I will be sending out emails on Matters of Faith everyday.
Remember, our help is in the Lord who is a strong savior!!!
Pastor Greg Darden
March 13, 2020
Dear Faith Family,
Our nation is going through a time that is not unlike going to war. The war is against the Corona Virus or COVID-9 as it has been designated.
In light of this rapidly changing and fluctuating situation, we are adjusting our schedule for this Sunday
1. There will be no Sunday School this Sunday.
2. We will have one worship service at 10:45 am. That service will be in Faith Hall. Jeff Kempton will be leading the service.
3. There will be no nursery or children’s church. Children who come will stay with their parents.
4. There will be no coffee or food out front. Hospitality team needs to be at church by 10:30 am and report to Mary Short at front desk.
5. If you are not well, please stay home. If you are more comfortable not coming to worship, please do what you think best for you and your family.
We will be making other decisions as the coming days require.
Remember, God is present in our lives and in the world.
1 Psalm 46:1-6
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
7 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
The Lord keep us, and deliver us.
God bless and keep you all,
Pastor Greg