COVID-19 UPDATES april 2020

April 28, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

You will be receiving a paper newsletter in the mail toward the end of the week.  Please look for it.

The first tournament of the Faith Presbyterian Golf Association scheduled for May 9th has been cancelled. Plan to play in the June event which will be at Cherokee Golf Course in Olive Branch, MS on Saturday, June 20th.

Continue to pray for our government leaders who are beginning to layout plans to reopen the states, counties, and cities.  

God Bless You All,
Pastor Greg

April 26, 2020

April 24, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

Let me encourage you to send in a 5 second video clip or a picture to Jon Fuschi so that we might have made a video hello from one another.  Send it to or text it to him at 901-395-3618.  

A reminder that I will be preaching this Sunday on Facebook Live at 11 AM.  "Making All Things New" is the Sermon Title and the Scripture Lesson is Revelations 21:5.  

You will be receiving on Thursday or Friday next week a paper newsletter, be looking for it.  

Continue to be in prayer for those in our congregation who remain ill.  Also for those who are grieving, especially today the Adams Family.

God Bless and Keep You All,

Pastor Greg


April 21, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

We are continuing our safer at home practices.  I know that you are tired of having to be confined, but stick with it, we are making progress and we want all to be well.

Now several matters of further prayer concern:
Chris Adams returned to Baptist Hospital.  He will be having further tests. He has a small blood clot in his right lung.

Joe Cooper is in the hospital at Baptist East.

Mike Robinson remains a patient at Baptist East.

Bobby Dunn remains a patient at Methodist Olive Branch.

Maxine Wilbourne has been home for several days and is improving from her heart issue.
Donnie Cunningham remains at home doing rehab twice a week at Collierville Baptist for his stroke.  He is improving somewhat.

Bobbie and Madison Spangler are fighting the virus at home.  Keep them in your prayers.

The Church was able to secure a Loan/grant for wages that was a part of the stimulus package passed by Congress and administered through the Small Business Administration through Iberian Bank.  The Loan/grant is to pay employees and we received $68,000.00. We will spend this on keeping our staff paid during this extra-ordinary time.  

Jeff Kempton will be providing us with a Wednesday Night Devotional tomorrow at 7 pm.  
I will be preaching this Sunday, April 26th, on “Making all Things New” from Revelation 21:5.   

The Session and staff are working behind the scenes to continue to make sure all is well with the church buildings and grounds. We continue to call and make contact with all of our folks.  If you want an "Upper Room Devotional Guide", new ones are being put in the mail.  Call, text, or email Georgann Patterson or Mary Short to receive the May-June issue.  You can also request a copy by replying to this email. 

Thank you to all who sent me a prayer for this time we live in.  I received 10 different prayers.  If you would like to send me one, it needs to be 7 -10 lines long concerning the Covid-19 pandemic.  Send them to my email at 

God Keep you all,


Pastor Greg

April 18, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

I hope that you are all well and remain steadfast in being safe at home and or at work. Tomorrow will be our 5th virtual worship service since the shelter at home orders began.  Assistant Pastor Jeff Kempton will be preaching at the virtual service this Sunday from Facebook Live at 11 am CST.  Tune in at that time and join us as we worship God.

Continue to be at prayer for others, our nation, and the world.  We are now entering the fatigue of being isolated and it requires concerted effort to fight it and to do the things we can.  Find something every day to be doing.  

I ask your continued prayers for Mike Robinson who is improved but remains at Baptist East Hospital.

I ask your prayers for Bobby Dunn who is in the hospital at Methodist Olive Branch being treated for a serious infection that is non-virus related.

I ask your continued prayers for Chris Adams who is at home recovering from his recent hospitalization. 

I am pleased to report Gloria Campbell’s brother had successful liver transplant surgery this past Thursday.  Continue to pray for Louis Huey.

All of us know personally individuals and families that are suffering and having difficult times.  Be of whatever kind of help you can.

Let us invite others to join us online.  Talk to one another, encourage one another, and practice be a servant to all.

God Bless you all,
Pastor Greg 

April 15, 2020

Hello Faith Family,

We continue our time apart, though not in spirit.

I ask your prayers for comfort and peace for Circe Zugno.  She learned late yesterday that her 96 year old mother died from the COVID-19 virus.  Her mother lived in Brazil and Circe is trying to make arrangements from long distance.  She is heart broken she can not be there.  Pray for her and Luis.  

I ask your prayers for Kathy and Gary Owens.  They were the first young couple I conducted a wedding service for at Faith.  Gary is the son of Andy and Carole Owens, long time members at Faith and now live in Texas.  Kathy has tested positive for the virus and Gary has been tested and does not yet have results.  Both are presenting multiple symptoms.  

Mike Robinson is now in a step down room at Baptist East.  He is improving.

Maxine Wilbourne is still at Baptist Collierville.  She is expected to be released on Thursday.

A reminder that Jeff Kempton will have a devotional this evening at 7pm.  

Continue to take all precautions.  If you are in need of help, please call me at 901-849-2080.  

God Keep Us All.


Pastor Greg 

April 14, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

We continue to shelter at home and for those at work in their jobs.  On this exceptionally cold April day, I pray that God continues to strengthen each of you with patience, peace, and keep you well.

Maxine Wilbourne is in ICU at Baptist Collierville.  She has tested negative for the virus, but is having heart issues.  Frank remains at home.

Mike Robinson remains in ICU at Baptist East.

Gloria Campbell’s brother, Louis Huey, remains ill. 

Chris Adams has had several tests and two blood transfusions and remains at Baptist East Hospital.

Donnie Cunningham has been released from Germantown Methodist.  He has general weakness on the left side and is scheduled to begin two weeks of rehab starting on Friday.

Sarah Murray is fighting the good fight at JFK Hospital in New Jersey.  She is seeing death and suffering everyday, yet she fights for every one of her patients.  Ask God to give her strength - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  It is hard for these nurses, doctors, and health care workers on the front lines of this pandemic.  Pray for them.

I would like to ask you to write a prayer of 7 -10 lines regarding the virus.  Take your time, think about it, and pray for specific things or general things and email your prayers to me at 

I hope you are all well.  

Psalm 139 reminds us of God’s presence with us.  I invite you to read it over sometime today.

God Keep you all.

Persevere, days of restoration are coming!

Pastor Greg 

April 13, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

Thank you so much for watching all of our Holy Week and Easter Day Services online. If you shared our services with others, thank you for doing so. It was a remarkable Easter certainly for all of us and one of the wettest in TN/MS that I can remember.

I encourage you all to continue in your reading of the scriptures, especially the Book of Psalms. As you know we are still officially closed until May 2nd. We have to see how things are coming along at that point and if restrictions will be lifted. 

I ask your prayers for the following folks:

Chris Adams who is having difficulty and has been taken to Baptist East Hospital.

Donnie Cunningham, our church custodian, is in Methodist Germantown Hospital after having a mild stroke. 

Please pray for Gloria Campbell’s brother Louis Huey, who is ill and in need of a liver transplant. 

Mike Robinson who is in the ICU at Baptist East with pneumonia. He does not have the virus and has come off the ventilator. 

Patricia Swann, mother of Lisa Adkins, who is waiting for test results regarding the virus.

We have received $900.00 toward helping to feed our neighbors in the Memphis-Metro area. We are sending a check to the Memphis Food Bank to help them secure food. We will do more as other donations come in.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting the church. If you are in need or just need to talk, please call 901-849-2080.

God Keep You All,


Pastor Greg

April 11, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

I remind you all that the Easter Service will be on Facebook Live at 11 am Central Standard Time tomorrow, April 12th, 2020.  

I want to ask your prayers for others today.

Lisa Atkins’ mother, Patricia Swann, has been tested for the COVID-19 virus and is now in self isolation at her home.  Lisa’s grandmother and aunt live with her mother.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Mike Robinson has been taken by ambulance to Baptist East Hospital because of breathing difficulties.  Please keep him in your prayers.  

Sarah Murray is now at JFK Hospital in New Jersey caring for COVID-19 patients.

We have many doctors and nurses and other health care providers who are on the front lines of our battle with the virus, keep them lifted up before God, that they might be strengthened and keep well.

Thank you to all who have been making masks, giving to the food bank, helping neighbors, friends, and family members as you are able.  

God Keep us all,

Persevere!  Better days are coming!

Pastor Greg 

April 8, 2020

April 7, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

We are now in our 4th week of this fight against the COVID-19 virus.  I am sure that many of you are longing for this to be over.  The day will come and it will be, but let us continued to heed the directions of Health and Governmental leaders as we each do our part.

I ask your prayers for protection and strength for Sarah Murray, daughter of Joe and Dawn Murray.  She is a highly skilled nurse and she is leaving today for JFK Hospital in New Jersey to join the fight against the virus by helping those who have it.  I thank God for such young people who are answering the call to serve those who are so ill.

This is Holy Week. 

Wednesday at 7 pm, Pastor Jeff Kempton will have a message for us.  It will be posted on our online media.  Be looking for that.

Thursday at 7 pm, there will be a Maundy Thursday Communion Service.  This will be a live service on FaceBook Live.  If you wish to participate in the service and take communion, please have a small glass of wine or juice for each person in your household and a piece of bread or a soda cracker for each person taking part.
On Good Friday, we are participating with fellow Christians across the nation and the world in a day of Fasting/and Prayer.  Resources for this are found on our church website: 
At 12 noon, 1 PM, and Two PM, Pastor Jeff Kempton will be live with Scripture Readings and Prayer on this day.

On Easter Sunday, I will be live at 11 am with our Easter Service.  I hope you are planning small celebrations in each and every household.

Remember, I am asking everyone to make a cross and drape white cloth on it as a visible sign of the Resurrection of Jesus and hang it on your door or place it in your yard.  Post pictures of it to share with others.

Continue to be in prayer for those fighting other illnesses and diseases.  Pray for all those in the medical, governmental, and supply and logistics jobs that are keeping people cared for, safe, and fed.

Thank you for your faithfulness, and your perseverance.

Read the 4 chapter of Philippians, it will strengthen you.

God Keep You.

Pastor Greg

April 5, 2020

April 3, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

We are asking for prayers for the Dziadosz family on the death of Cathy Dziadosz, the sister-in-law of Carol Eddy. She was the wife of Carol's brother, Joe, who died in 2017.  They lived in Camdenton, Missouri.

I am asking your continued prayers for the Fisher Family.  

Continue to pray for others on the prayer list I sent out on yesterday’s update. 

Our Session meet virtually last night and took several actions.

We will continue the FaceBook Live services on Sundays in April.  This will include both Palm and Easter Sunday that are coming up.  We could find no viable option to gather for Easter under the current National Health Crisis.  

However, coming up this Holy Week we are going to do a couple of more things.
On Thursday, April 9th, We will have a Maundy Thursday Communion Service.  This will be a virtual service on FaceBook Live and I will be sending out detailed instructions for your family or individual to take part.

The Evangelical Presbyterian Church has joined with several other denominations and called for a day of Prayer and Fasting on Good Friday, April 10th.  The Session agreed that we should invite our congregation to participate in this day of prayer and fasting as we shelter in our homes.  I will be getting you information about this early next week.

The Session authorized the application be made to the small business administration to receive a loan/grant under the Stimulus Package Congress passed last week.  

The Session authorized a special offering: any one who would like to make a contribution to the church to help the Memphis Food Bank and other such organizations as they help people here in the metro area have enough food during this crisis can make an online contribution under special offering and tag it Food or mail a check to the church with Food in memo line.

Let us continue to study God’s Word and be devoted to prayer.

God Bless You all,


Pastor Greg

April 2, 2020

Hello Faith Family,

It is my prayer that all are well from the COVID-19 virus. We have many who are ill and sick with other illnesses, and I pray too, that they will be healed. 

I thought these words from the 102nd Psalm are very fitting for these days:

Hear my prayer, Lord;
    let my cry for help come to you.
 Do not hide your face from me
    when I am in distress.
Turn your ear to me;
    when I call, answer me quickly.

Surely, many of us are feeling distress these days, even if we are not physically sick.  I know I have been. But then I stop and call to the LORD. 

This evening, our Elders will be having a video conference meeting.  Another first for us at Faith.   We will be talking about several matters and how to do ministry and take care of our congregation and others. 

I want to update you about those who are ill.

Fighting cancer and collateral illnesses because of it are:

Don Fisher who is at Methodist Germantown. (Son of Pat and Archie Fisher)
Chris Adams who is home (Husband of Melissa Adams)
Leesa Henderson (Daughter of Faith and Michael Graff)
Dotty Coyle at her home
Carole Connor recovering from blood clots who is at home (Daughter of Phil and Jane Connor)

In Retirement Residences:

Mike Robinson at The Heritage
Margaret Moon at Brookdale
Dolly Patterson at Brookdale (who is under Hospice Care)
Dr. Ed Knox at Germantown Plantation

In addition, let us continue to lift up all those in the medical professions, in the grocery and food industry, first responders, and all governmental leaders trying to manage this pandemic. 

The Fuschis are doing well.  Thanks to all who volunteered to drop meals off at their house.  

Congratulations to Donna Gambill on the birth of a new granddaughter, Hannah Mae, born to Robert and Sarah Gambill.

A reminder that our Sunday service will be on Facebook Live this Sunday morning at 11 am. 

If you need help, let me know.  

God keep you all,
Pastor Greg

April 1, 2020